Featured Products

Pink Mummy

Pink Mummy

Fantastic Pink Color Carnation Bouquet A fancy arrangement of 20 pink carnations arranged beautiful..


One Dozen Red Roses Bouquet with Vase

One Dozen Red Roses Bouquet with Vase

  One Dozen Red Roses Bouquet with Vase This vase of brilliant red roses is an ..

HK$688.00 HK$850.00

Blue Story

Blue Story

  Blue Story One Dozen Ecuadorian Blue Roses Bouquet in Vase   Blue roses repr..

HK$1,250.00 HK$1,450.00

Bright Holland Yellow Tulips Bouquet

Bright Holland Yellow Tulips Bouquet

Bright Holland Yellow Tulips Bouquet 10 Holland Fresh Tulips in Yellow Color Yellow tulip prov..

HK$780.00 HK$880.00

Ocean Lady

Ocean Lady

Ocean Lady One Hygrangea in Blue color with Five Purple Color Calla Lily Bouquet. Want to send s..

HK$1,280.00 HK$1,350.00

Birthday Party

Birthday Party

To Celebrate birthday party to your lovely wife, this colorful party bouquet include Hot pink, ..

HK$1,080.00 HK$1,280.00

Love Romantic

Love Romantic

Love Romantic One Dozen Red Rose Bouquet send to your Lover. Want to celebrate her special rel..

HK$630.00 HK$750.00

Thinking of You

Thinking of You

Is someone special on your mind? Let her know she is in your thoughts with this Holland Pink color&n..


Newest Products

18pcs PINK Roses Valentine Bouquet

18pcs PINK Roses Valentine Bouquet

18pcs Pink Roses Bouquet, more special than send a one dozen roses bouquet ..

HK$499.00 HK$599.00

12pcs RED Roses Valentine Bouquet

12pcs RED Roses Valentine Bouquet

One Dozen RED Roses Valentine Bouquet ..

HK$480.00 HK$520.00

Thailand Grade A Orchids Bouquet

Thailand Grade A Orchids Bouquet

Fresh Thailand Grade A Orchids in Purple and White Color, it is good for birthday flowers, anniversa..


My Sweet Heart

My Sweet Heart

A Perfect Blue Hydrangea with one Doze Roses in Maria Pink Color, it is perfect for your dream lover..


Our Flower Delivery Areas

Our Delivery Team Provide Daily Flowers Delivery to The Following Areas:

Hong Kong Island
Kennedy Town, HK University, Sai Ying Pun, Sheung Wan, Central, IFC One, IFC Two, International Finance CenterAdmiralty, Wanchai, Causeway Bay, Tin Hau, Happy Valley, Tai Hang, Fortress Hill, North Point, The Peak, Kornhill, Quarry Bay, Tai Koo Shing, Shau Kei Wan, Sai Wan Ho, Hang Fa Chuen, Chai Wan, Siu Sai Wan, Stanley, Tai Tam, Stanley, Shek O, Repulse Bay, Deep Water Bay, Hong Kong Parkview, Ocean Park, Southern Hill, Aberdeen, Bel-air, Cyberport, Pokfulam

Kowloon Island
Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon West, ICC, HungHom, Jordan, Yau Ma Tei, Mongkok, Prince Edward, Ho Man Tin, Whampoa, Sham Shui Po, Cheung Sha Wan, Lai Chi Kok, Mei Foo, Kwai Chung, Lai King, Kwai Fong, KCC, Kwai Hing, Tsuen Wan, Kowloon Tong, Wong Tai Sin, Diamond Hill, Choi Hung, Kowloon City, Kowloon Bay, Ngau Tau Kok, Kwun Tong, Lam Tin, Yau Tong, Tin Keng Leng, Lohas Park, Tseung Kwan O, Hang Hau, Po Lam

New Territories
Sai Kung, Clearwater Bay, Sheung Sze Wan, HKUST, Marina Cove, Pak Sha Wan, Sai Sha, Tai Mong Tsai, Wu Kai Sha, Ma On Shan,  Sha Tin, Fotan, Tai Wai, Chinese University, Shek Mun, Hong Lok Yuen, Tai Po, Science Park, Fanling, Ping Che, Sheung Shui, Shek Kong

New Territories West
Tuen Mun, Hong Kong Gold Coast, Yuen Long, Tin Shui Wai, Long Ping, Kam Sheung Road, Pat Heung

Lantau Island and Outlying Areas
Hong Kong International Airport Arrival Hall, Chap Lap Kok, Hong Kong Zhuhai Macau Bridge, Tsing Yi, Park Island, Ma Wan, Hong Kong Disneyland, Tung Chung, Discovery Bay, Tai O, Tong Fuk, Mui Wo, Long Ping 360, Ping Chau, Cheung Chau, Lantau Island, Lamma Island 

Flowers delivery to all Hotels in Hong Kong
We send flowers to all Licensed Hotels in Hong Kong

Flowers delivery to Hospital
We send flowers to all Government and Private Hospitals in Hong Kong

Same day Delivery Services is available for orders confirmed by 15:00.

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